FLIGHT OF THE AMAZON QUEEN (solution) THE HOTEL: ...First pick up the sheets and the wig behind the curtains. Tie the sheets together and tie them on the radiator. Climb down, and pick up the crowbar and the comedy breasts. Climb up again, and use the crowbar to open the chest. Look at it. Go to the lobby and convince the bellboy to let you have the key. Pick it up and use it on the locked door in the basement. Get Lola to help you out of the hotel, and give her the towel. Change clothes to the dress, and walk out to sparky in the truck outside the hotel. On the truck pick up the hay and use the oil on the chasing car to get rid of them. Now up in the sky you'll get hit by the lightning but don't worry... THE JUNGLE: ...Get the knife and the lighter from the daffle bag and the beef jerky from Sparky. Go outside the plane and give some beef to the piranhas, and then you can get the propeller. Grab the knife and cut of the lily-stem and use the propeller on the giant lily-pad and you'll be off to land. Go and talk to the parrot and get the vine by using the knife on it. If you go up you'll see a gorilla, and you can't get past him. Then go down to the bridge and fix it with the vine and get the banana. Give it to the gorilla, and tell him to go home to Africa and he'll move so you can get past him. Now go to trader Bob and talk to him and tell him that you'll help him. Also talk to Naomi, she'll tell you that she needs parfume for her date later tonight. Now go to the jungle and talk to Skip and get the comic book from him. Talk to Bud, he tells you that he is in need of a rash cure. You will fix one for him later on. Give the comic book to Sparky, he'll give it back to you and also give you a file. Now read the comic book and have a good time! A loose page with some blueprints on it will fall out of it. Go to the jungle again and talk to the vicious dinosaur. It's actually the gorilla you met before. So talk to him a bit and tell him that he doesn't exist and he'll disappear again. Walk through the hollow log and go to the stone with some carvings on it. Look at it. Now a woman will come and you'll hide automatically. Press the button and they will capture you. In the prison talk to the bedgraggled man and get one of his dolls and Faye will come down and set you free. Now go to the missionary and talk to the man and the bitch there. Trade your file for the pygmy dictionary. Now you are able to talk with the pygmy's. Now go to trader Bob again and talk to the witch doctor. He'll make you a rash cure when you have found some ingredients; Hair from a slow moving climber, milk from a sacred site and something to make it a little buzz! Go in to Bob and give him the rest of the beef jerky and he'll give you some money. Buy the vacuum cleaner for it. Now go to Floda. Pick up the flower outside. Go inside and tell the lady that you are gonna fumigate the place. Now you can go where ever you want inside the building, well almost. Go in to the room and look in the couch where you'll find some more money. Now go back and get another banana and give it to the ape in the middle in the missionary screen. You'll get a coconut for it. Use the knife on it and you will have one ingredient for the rash cure, the milk! Now go and talk to Bob and tell him to tell you more about Naomi. He will say that he needs a flower. So go out in the jungle and find the orchid with some wasps around it and use the vacuum cleaner on it and take the orchid and give it to trader Bob. Now you are a special customer! Grab a net and use it to get the perfume at the crash site. Give the perfume to Naomi and you'll get a pair of scissors. Now go to the jungle and use the flower you got outside Floda on the Sloth, and some hours later (HA!) use the scissors to get some hair from the Sloth. Now you got the second ingredient needed for the rash cure! Give it to the witch doctor and then give him the vacuum cleaner with the wasps in it, voila! you got the rash cure! Give it to Bud and you'll get heaps of money. Go and buy the record at trader Bob's place. Then go and get another banana and give it to the chef in the kitchen. Now you have the whole kitchen for yourself! Nice huh?! Grab some dog food and some cheeze bits. Then exit to the right and open the mailbag and look into it. Open the footlocker and take the squeaky toy. Now go and play the record at the phonogram and take the elevator down below. Get the can opener from a room. Then talk to John and give him the letter, now you're able to go through the doors in that corridor. Go and talk to Klunk about the Super serum. Keep going until you found the room with the Super-weenie-serum. Use the canopener on the dogfood and use the dogfood with the Super-weenie-serum. Find the princess and tell her that you are forming an escapeplan. Go and give the dogfood with Super-weenie-serum (chef's surprise) to Klunk. Talk to him about the serum again and hit him. Then go talk to Henry and tell him he has got kitchen duty. Now you can go into another room. Pick up the book on the table and use the scissors on it. Now you got a key to the princess' cell. So go and set her free! Now get the pencil on the desk and then use the mannequins to hide. Then talk to the princess, she'll tell you what the code to the security door was. Use it to get out. Now go to the amazon fortress. The evil doctor Ironstein will be there to meet you and force you to get a crystal skull from a temple on the Sloth island. Now go and catch the beetle with the net and give it to the ferryman and he let's you travel with him to Sloth island. If you want to you can go and talk to everyone first, just to get some minor details... THE TEMPLE: ...On the island walk up in to the entrance. Go round in it, and move all the bodies and pick up all bones from them, arm bone, rib cage, skull and a leg bone. Give some cheeze bits to the little dinorat. Use the bones in the correct holes. The arm should be placed on the socket. After putting the bones in the holes use a coin in the slot of the socket and move the arm. A door opens before you. Enter it. Now you must answer a riddle; What walks on four legs at dawn, two at noon, three at dusk? The answer is simple, it's man himself! Just choose "Would it be some sort of weird animal?" and "I know it's man in his three stages of life" and you'll be fine! Begin going to the right and go talk to the zombie women. Convince them to open the sarchophagus and pick up the mummy-wrappings that falls out. Convince them to open again. Take the crown inside the sarchophagus and use the knife on the vines to get them. Now move the sarcophagus and enter the exit behind it. You will fall down to another room. Use the knife on the tree sap and pick it up. Now move the fountain head and pick up the blue jewel. Go left and talk to the man in the cage. Go left again, use the hand puppet on the stone disc to pick it up. Now go and move the lever in the room that you fell down to. Use the tree sap on the bat, and then put the stone disc on the spindle and the vine you got from the sarcophagus on the stone disc. Now go and use the loose vine on the pulley and use the bat on the pulley to make the big stone disappear. Go right and pick up the pick. Now go to the room with some holes in it and use the pick on the holes. Then use the pick on the stalactite to get some flint. Now you can make a torch and scare the snake off, by using the mummy wrappings on the arm bone and the flint on the lighter. Now use the lighter to lit the torch and use it on the snake to scare it off. But before you go to the snake go and use the bat on the pulley again. Now go and take a look at the body (after the snake) and you will get an ID card and a bit of stone. Before you go to the room where Ian is (the man in the cage), go to the room with a statue and a waterfall and use the blue jewel on the right eye. Then go and tell Ian to cut off the rope that is holding the cage. Now use the lever to set him free. He almost shoots you now, but he doesn't. Now go to the room with the statue and the waterfall again. You'll hear some screams and stuff. It's from Ian! Go to the room where you got the stonedisc and look at Ian's pulverised body and you'll find a chunk of rock. Now take some more tree sap and use it on the two stone bits to make them fit together. Now you got a stone key shaped like a lizard! Now go and pick up the big stick in the room with the statue and the waterfall (you couldn't do it before). Use the big stick on the crypt to open it. Look into the crypt and you will get a really cool death mask. Now go to the room with the two lizard statues with some heat rays between them. Use the rest of the mummy wrappings on the death mask to get it smooth and reflective. Then use the death mask on the lizard statues to destroy them. Now go through the door which you couldn't before and use the sticky bat to get the green jewel. Use the green jewel on the other eye on the statue (in the room with the statue and the waterfall!). Two secret passages will open. If you walk to the left you will come above the place where Ian (the pulverised dude) lies, and you can't use the exit there. So go the right and use the stone key on the lizard statue. Go downstairs, now you are in a labyrint. The cheeze bits will be great now, just keep giving them to the little dino rat and he will show you the way out of the labyrint. You will come to a room with an emergency exit. Look at the wall markings, you will automatically use the dictionary to translate them. Now go to the right and use the vacuum cleaner to clean up the mess on the floor. It's about time to get out of this spooky place now. So you should press the wall markings like this: (X=Move it! , ex: X1 = press it first!) (-=Don't touch it!) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- X2 -- -- X1 -- -- Now the door will be open, walk out of it. Talk to the riddlewoman and say that you are a member of the ama-(how do you pronounce that?!)family. She needs proof of it. So give her the crown you found in the sarcophagus. Now pick up the crystal skull! Finally you got it! Go to the room with the emergency exit, and activate it by using the wall panels and using the chair. Now you will be trapped again, in the Floda prison, shitty eh?! but don't worry. First the insane Doctor Ironstein will come and have a little nice chat with you, then pick up the mug and use it on the door to make some noice. Faye and Anderson will come and help you out of the cell, by using a lasergun (Hehe!) to blow the whole door away. Now you must find your own way in to the valley... GETTING TO THE VALLEY OF THE MISTS: ...First go back to the crash site to the plane and look at the water inside it. You will find another piece of the Commander Rocket blueprint. Use it together with the other piece to get the whole blueprint. You can go and talk to everyone too if you want, just for fun. But the one you should talk to is trader Bob! And while you are at his place buy the alcohol for the rest of your money. Now go to Floda and go to the room that Klunk guarded, use the pencil on the writing pad, to get a paper with a security code for a safe. Go to the room with one cabinet in and move the cabinet. Use the paper with the code on the safe to open it. Look into it, and you'll get a padlock key and a rocket plan. Go out and give the squeaky toy to the guard dog and open the door and enter it. Use the padlock key on the padlock and open the box. Now you got a rocket pack and you can use it with the alcohol to get to the valley... THE VALLEY OF THE MISTS: ...Follow Faye, go up, now a dinosaur is in the way for you, but just go up to the clearings and use the knife to get the branches and feed the dinosaur with them, and he'll get out of your way! Now go left (where you couldn't go before..!) and use the tyranno horn to scare the other dinosaur off, go right. Now the evil doctor Ironstein will force you to put the crystal skull on the statue so it becomes a robot. The doctor and the robot will start to fight. Pick up the dino ray gun, (use it on all persons, just to have some fun!) use it on monster Frank, but he will reflect the ray. So talk to Faye and tell her to turn the mirror so the ray will be reflected and use the ray again. It still won't work, so give the death mask to Sparky so he can reflect the ray too. Now just use the dino ray gun on monster Frank again and watch the nice end sequence...